Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How would you feel

About a company that has signs like this all over the place.

Now, I don't know about you, but I start to have doubts about their ability to do things right.

Okay, one could argue that it's not an English company, no, but the company is an International one, and has many 'foreign' managers in place.

I maybe pedantic but I feel that if a small error like this gets over looked, then what else is going wrong?

I've heard an argument that it's another companies responsibility to manage the facilities, (which is a foreign company) but ultimately, someone at this company must have responsibility with this company, and that responsibility isn't being taken seriously.

Quality starts everywhere, and everyone should have the responsibility in doing it's part.  For the good of the company, and for the it's customers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tech Cars and Software

An excellent article to start the day off this morning, courtesy of The Economist.

It is well known that some software manufacturers release products full of errors but as the above article shows, they actually accept a low standard as the norm.

"Microsoft, for instance, reckons to find 10-20 defects per 1,000 lines of code during its in-house testing, and to whittle that down to 0.5 per 1,000 lines by the time the software is released to the public"

Still that represents a significant proportion of errors.
What (doesn't) surprise me though, is that companies such as this, still think it's okay to send out sub standard product, and that we the consumers have to accept it and have to pay full price for it.

I really do hope that other companies don't take this point of view.